Office physicals

Please note that there is a difference between a yearly physical and an office visit. Insurances typically pay for one yearly office visit that is focused on prevention. This includes discussion about vaccinations, cancer screening and cardiovascular wellness. If you have specific complaints or concerns that require therapeutic intervention or discussion we recommend rescheduling the yearly preventative appointment.  Insurance will not cover preventative care visits if they address patient concerns.

Imaging results

Please note that any imaging ordered from our office requires an office visit to follow up and to discuss. This ensures that appropriate referrals, follow up lab work or treatment can be discussed. Please note that unless there is a critical finding, imaging results are not discussed over the phone.

Lab results

Labs ordered at the office require a follow up visit to discuss. Labs are typically available on the patient portal and patients are encouraged to review labs so that they may have questions answered at their follow up visit. Please note that unless there is a critical lab error we do not typically discuss lab results over the phone.

Controlled medications

Medications that require a DEA number to be dispensed require an office visit every three months. This includes testosterone replacement, sleeping aids and certain anxiety medications. Please note that our office does not write for narcotic pain medications.

Yearly office visits

In order to ensure the ongoing health of our patients we ask to see patients yearly, at a minimum. If you are taking a medication for management of a chronic problem, such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol, we ask that you come twice a year to make certain that you are responding appropriately to your medication. Some medical problems require more frequent visits, such as diabetes, which requires a visit every three months to monitor sugar levels.

Medication refills

In the interest of patient safety medications are only refilled while patients are in the office. This is done to ensure that medications are working as needed, dosages are appropriate and that there is no duplication of therapy.

We do not respond to requests from pharmacies to refill medications. This prevents medication refills of medication prescribed and managed by other physicians as well as reduces likelihood of medication error due to outdated pharmacy records.

 Patients must bring a list of all current medications to be reviewed in office. Refills will be sent from the office with sufficient supply until a patient’s next scheduled visit

BCBS Televisits

Telehealth Visit Policy Update: Effective 7/5/2023. As part of our ongoing commitment to providing high-quality healthcare, we have offered telehealth visits to our BCBS patients for their convenience. However, due to recent changes in BCBS policy, we have made the difficult decision to modify our telehealth services. While we understand the benefits of telehealth, changes in BCBS televisit policy have made it financially unsustainable for us to continue at the previous level. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and encourage you to schedule in-person appointments for medical consultations. Our team remains dedicated to delivering comprehensive care and will continue exploring alternative solutions. Thank you for your understanding and ongoing support.

We provide the unique personalized service
that you deserve.